Tuesday, April 20, 2004


Have realized the importance of child hood lessons: Today I was walking around the Community College, wasting time. When a very odd man, with very crooked teeth came up and offered me some candy. Very Random, Easter candy. (Ugh when was Easter?) Then I remembered a very important child hood lesson: Don't take candy from strangers. Decided to follow random, what seemed worthless advice, and NOT to take the candy. Much to my relief, later found similar bag of candies in the parking lot...now I can only wonder.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Drugged Out Poetry and Random Running

I got back from jogging a moment ago. I chose to run on a treadmill, because of several reasons the main one being it requires a lot less concentration on where your going, and the other in it allows me to listen to Jason Mraz without a fear of being raped. So I ran. I must admit it is a little discouraging to never really move and be so tired.

I have been trying to write poetry for my poetry book and unfortunately the majority of the stanza's just come out to be something like this:
"I am going to die alone.
Its really sad lonely.
Empty. Need help.
There's irony here somewhere here
I'm eighteen."
Which as much fun as this type of poetry is, its also really pathetic. I need to think of happy topics to write about. like bunnies or doodle bugs.
"hop hop hop
I love you.
Yeah hop bunny"
The only problem with switching moods so randomly is that people are going to be convinced I'm a lot of drugs.

I spent last night at a my grandma's which was fun. Well, when I say fun I mean, a good time with people who can't remember where they put dinner, or if they made any, or if they ate it already, and as a consequence of this ask you a million times "are you hungry?"

Oh Colorado College liked my essay so much they are going to publish part of it in there brochure...all I can think is "and I wrote what?" My fear is that they will ask me something about it and the only answer I will have will be "Do you know where the toilet is?"

Monday, April 12, 2004

From the Editor

Dear Stephanie,
I think that we work really well together, for a while I forgot how much fun doing duo was and districts reminded me of it. I love getting up there for ten minutes with you performing. We work really well together, better than we do apart. We are very complementing to each other. (which reminds me you are going to love my prom dress). You are one of those people who no matter how much I want to keep my feelings to myself, you always make me feel better to tell them to you, even if you don't always understand. I feel that I am repeating a lot of what you already know. You are my friend, I don't think we are as close as we once were, and I think that is more on my part. But I still do really like you as a person, and hope that you succeed immensely in life, according to how you view success and not how anyone else does. I am so excited that you and Susan are going to run the speech team, next year. I promise to come back and help whenever I can. (every three and a half weeks to be precise) I love you Steph and when I look back at high school you will be one of my fonder memories. So to my Bruce Willis, my Margot, my Essie, my Roxie Heart, and my Velma Kelly, but most importantly my Steph I thank you for being my friend, and am so happy that in fifth grade you asked me to play.