Friday, July 14, 2006

"Hi, You've Reached Alex..."

Do you ever have those days where you are just flat out disgusted with yourself?Today I drive in from the mountains. Immediately I turn on my phone and wait for a signal. I am shocked when I have no new messages. I call John. No answer. Call Rachel. Nothing. Try to remember Jav's number but the only number I can remember is Renzo's. Thank god.Drive home call my mother. I plug my computer in almost immediately after walking in the door and wish I had brought my external hard drive filled with 56.1 gigs of music that I really don't listen to. I did have six new messages all of them from dear friends...I think I will change my message machine to "only leave me a message if you are a boy, confessing your love for me, apologizing or telling me a shockingly good piece of gossip." I then hold my cell phone in hand while stocking people on myspace for hours, then face book, then I redo my myspace page. My break from this was to go out and buy a new ipod, develop pictures with a digital CD so I could paste them on face book, and rent the OC. I then proceed to watch three hours of the OC while texting John as to why he hates me and then end up getting online again. Waiting to have an online conversation for the second time today with renzo.....God I hate technology and boys.