Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Jump to The left, Step to the Right

I really should become famous or apply for alot of jobs just because I like the interview process soooo much.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Child Hood Perceptions

I remember the first time I saw an actual rode runner. I was so disappointed, by its size. I had always assumed they were as tall as a small child, at least three feet tall. Because of the Warner Brother cartoons.

The first time I ordered chocolate moose I was panicked. I did not want to eat a live moose covered in chocolate, with all the hair and everything.

I could never figure out what The Budget Inn really said I thought it was always "The Bud Get Inn" you know a pun.

I thought roads were just placed on natural landscapes. I always thought it really amazing that a mountain would stop and have the perfect space for a road then be tall again