Friday, February 23, 2007

Does love wear shoes? Is one day love in fashion and the next it isn't?...Maybe love isn't their style. Love is like shoes in that it touches your souls and each person has an individual fit. Some people keep one pair for years, others have too many shoes. Love is that way. Shoes, like love, have to be broken in...getting used to. But then is love like my day they just fall apart. I loved them still, but couldn't walk in them with out exposing the soul of my right foot. You know when you have to get new shoes, some times its a dreadful experience, sometimes you buy shoes for certain events like wedding dates, some times its a pleasure to have a new pair. We have shoes for comfort, style, status. Love is more like my shoe than I thought.

1 comment:

how deep is the ocean? said...

if love is like shoes, right now i am barefoot.