Monday, June 04, 2007

Insert Uplifting Jason Mraz Lyric Here

I am an individual full of hope. Maybe the extreme capacity of my hope is caused by the multitude of ego and vanity within myself, maybe it is my undying persistence. Whatever the cause of this infliction, I never want to doubt that a person might change,this never includes my own self. This hope is partially human nature. We all hope. We all have dreams. Lord knows there are enough cheesy pop songs on the subject. Most hopes have to do with our own selves because in my case, myself, is the most reliable person I readily know. At least I am reliable in my failure!

Yet despite this hope placed in me, I find myself sitting around a table Saturday night with two of my best friends and them telling me I have to let it go. The worst part is I Know it. I struggle for the strength and moment. But I have been writing the soliloquy in my head for some time. And just like any play write I am looking to life experience, actual evidence, and raw human emotion to back my words. I am getting ready to do what he needs and has tried to do. But myself, like most human beings did not hear his words until I was ready to listen.

This summer is different from the ones before. I do not have two lives. I have one. Theatre is now in Santa Fe. I am whole.

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