Thursday, October 17, 2002

Crooked Little Smile on Her Face, Tells a Tail of Grace That's All Her Own

As I sit at home today..thinking. Have you ever woken up and gone: why today? Well on days like this I take the day off. I stay at home and don't get dressed and be reclusive. When you don't come in contact with people they can't hurt you.

Besides I have to clear my head of matters floating in it, that I do not have the option of thinking about. I have yet to learn the valued lesson in life of minding my own business, and keeping my own secrets. One day. Oh I keep them when i have to...believe me. ( If your panicking and reading this, don't, I swear that I will never tell some things, because not only would they hurt me but many others).

I have so many thoughts in my head and I am trying to make them simple. Being that I know I and all my friends have the major tendency to exaggerate everything. Example:
Stephanie had an apple.
Stephanie had an apple that had a worm in it.
Stephanie had an apple and an orange and they were rotted.
Stephanie had an apple and an orange that were rotted and her and Jessica were throwing them.
Stephanie had an apple and an orange that were rotted and her and Jessica were throwing them at Thales and Nick to get them back to talking about her.
Stephanie had an apple and an orange that were rotted and her and Jessica were throwing them at Thales and Nick to get them back to talking about her and spreading evil rumors to Dylan and Alex about how Stephanie had an apple.

I could go on but you get the gist. We all know we do this and yet somehow none of us are ever satisfied with "an apple" So today what I am trying to do it take "Alex had a problem that was blown out of proportion and now she is going to die and this is the end of the world unless there is some kind of solution within the next 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to "Alex has a problem."

Ive gotten it down to "Alex has a problem, it wont kill her and she doesn't ever have to solve it if she doesn't panic" wow don't I feel better!!!

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