Friday, January 31, 2003

From The Editor

Dear Dylan,
I often find myself and others saying "Nick and Dylan" "Nick's Duo" "Nick's Duo partner" ect. I know how that must effect you, always tending to be in the shadow of Nick. But when I met you in 8th grade, I never saw you in any shadow, your nice personality ( when I say nice I mean perverted and funny too) has always been with you. You are not under, behind, lacking to, or in the shadow of anyone. You amaze me. You are so supportive and funny.

No one else always waits for me to come out of history, no one else ever saw me out of the shadow of Nick for along time either except you, when I was really low in self-esteem you told me you thought I was pretty. You give me some of the best advice I have ever heard. I never thought I could be friends with someone who dated my best friend and my sister. But you have never changed toward me.

I adore your hair but more than that I adore the mind that is under the hair. Your hands need lotion. Your shoes need deodorant, and your socks need washing. But other than that your an OK kid.


Monday, January 20, 2003

Football, Frisbee, and The Absence of Heaters

So yesterday I was wearing my pretty little white uniform, all ready to go volunteer at the hospital, when my phone rings...its Ben he's calling to re-invite me to Connor's to watch a football game ( apparently its the playoffs.) So I went.

We went to the grocery store first. It's polite to bring food to a football party. A random guy really scared me.
At Connor's: I'm glad Thales isn't into football either, in fact I knew slightly more than he did. ( that's only because I spent last weekend w/ Steph.)

I would say football was designed for men who think its really bad to be homosexual and over weight but want the experience of slapping a guy's ass, and making the 300 pound guy who other wise would be shunned from society, very popular. Half the things that are allowed in football would get the crap beaten out of someone in the real world.

Anyway. After the game (the red team won) Everyone wanted to play sports. So we all (when I say "we all" I mean Ben, Connor, Thales, Nick, and Myself) went to the Rose Park and played Frisbee ( I'm sure there's a technical name for the game we played) At first I was on a team with Connor and Ben. When we lined up to pick teams it was like kindergarten all over again...only with a slightly better result. Then we switched teams and Ben, Nick and I were on a team. In the words of Nick " We won is spirit" ( that's not an exact quote). It was rather fun.

Then Ben came over to my house where my sister was having Peter's golden globe party. Then Connor invited us to meet him and Thales down town at The Burrito Company. We then went to Dinesty and ate. Thales told his story about making out with a french/Swedish girl. Very interesting.

Then I was driven home.

Monday, January 13, 2003

So I have a new weekly thing going on its called "Letters from the Editor". I plan to write a letter a week (or when ever I want to). I put about thirty peoples names in a hat and folded them so I couldn't see and I picked a name totally at random and plan to tell them exactly what I think of them. The honor of the first letter ever is Paula! I SWEAR THIS IS TOTALLY RANDOM!

Dear Paula,
I swore to myself I would never be like you, I would never act like you did when you broke up with Connor. I thought it was silly to love someone, silly to adore them. Little did I realize I would later understand your pain all to well. It takes a real friend to empathize. You are a real friend. You bring me flowers when I am sick, and write me letters when I'm away. You have never failed to send a post card, no matter where you are.

Your far off quotes keep me guessing and your lake makes me wonder where Kristin's wallet could be. I love your red curly hair and the way it bounces when you sing Ramon's songs.

You have an extremely nice personality, but you don't always show it. Show it, please.Don't use a false attitude to protect yourself from hurt. It doesn't work. People love you for you, not your "bad-ass" attitude.

Your love for your base is inspiring. but here's my last piece of advice: Don't replace boys with a base.


Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Alex's New Year's Resolutions!

Drum role please:
1. Listen more...really listen.(huh? what? I didn't hear you!)

2. to not socialize (If I don't hang around people they can't get me sick)

3. to not gossip ( hey speaking of that do you know what I heard? well I can't write it,ask me.)

4. To come up with more excuses to not take vitamins (my it hurts my stomach, is getting old)

5. To eat better. (french fries just aren't cutting it.)

that's it! Now all that's left is breaking them and feeling guilty and like a horrid human being