Monday, January 20, 2003

Football, Frisbee, and The Absence of Heaters

So yesterday I was wearing my pretty little white uniform, all ready to go volunteer at the hospital, when my phone rings...its Ben he's calling to re-invite me to Connor's to watch a football game ( apparently its the playoffs.) So I went.

We went to the grocery store first. It's polite to bring food to a football party. A random guy really scared me.
At Connor's: I'm glad Thales isn't into football either, in fact I knew slightly more than he did. ( that's only because I spent last weekend w/ Steph.)

I would say football was designed for men who think its really bad to be homosexual and over weight but want the experience of slapping a guy's ass, and making the 300 pound guy who other wise would be shunned from society, very popular. Half the things that are allowed in football would get the crap beaten out of someone in the real world.

Anyway. After the game (the red team won) Everyone wanted to play sports. So we all (when I say "we all" I mean Ben, Connor, Thales, Nick, and Myself) went to the Rose Park and played Frisbee ( I'm sure there's a technical name for the game we played) At first I was on a team with Connor and Ben. When we lined up to pick teams it was like kindergarten all over again...only with a slightly better result. Then we switched teams and Ben, Nick and I were on a team. In the words of Nick " We won is spirit" ( that's not an exact quote). It was rather fun.

Then Ben came over to my house where my sister was having Peter's golden globe party. Then Connor invited us to meet him and Thales down town at The Burrito Company. We then went to Dinesty and ate. Thales told his story about making out with a french/Swedish girl. Very interesting.

Then I was driven home.

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