Sunday, August 03, 2003

God Camp

I had an absolute blast! I met some of the nicest people in the world. I actually felt for once that I was truly doing my part to help. I worked at a blind community center and met a really nice woman named Arlene. She was a southern Baptist, black lady, who was just sooooooo sweet. We took the blind people to a model train museum, made arts and crafts with them, and mainly just kept them company. It was so much fun.

On Wednesday we went to the beach, let me tell you there is nothing better than having waves crash into you and lifting you up off your feet, rushing past your head, and then bringing you back down. I wish I could have stayed in that moment forever.

Thursday we went down to Mexico, and saw the border and how the wall goes into the Ocean. Then we went to the Lasallian school there and had a prayer service and a party. It looked like one of those doctor pepper commercials, you know a party in a court yard. There was the best food I have ever had, including Taco's. The school hired a mariachi band to play. Then they put on music, I got to dance to Achy, brakey heart in Spanish, and that song that goes "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire." This was another moment I could have lived in forever. How lucky am I to have two of those moments in one week?

I met awesome people including Jimmy, Carlos, and a kid named Peter Brady! ( how awesome is that, to be named after a Brady Bunch Character)? I was very sad to leave.

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